Moving? Use Recycled Boxes!

By Amy Nutt


Congratulations! You have decided to take the plunge and move from one place to another. It might be for financial reasons or it might be for familial reasons, but the fact of the matter is that you are reading this article because you have made that decision. You are now ready to go forward, but there is still the logistical matter of actually packing everything and moving it to another location to deal with. If this is something that worries you, it is always worthwhile to consider ways that your moving can be gentler on the environment. It might not decrease the worry about moving, but it will certainly make you feel better in other ways.

Recycled Boxes

One of the best ways in which you can make your move more environmentally friendly would be to use recycled boxes. Use recycled boxes in all of your packing endeavours, taking with them all of the different things that you were going to move anyway. This is an idea that does not occur to a lot of people, but it is also one that is very easy to institute. It is a good example of an action that is environmentally friendly while at the same time just being a very easy thing to do.

A lot of people that are in a position to do this actually shy away from doing it because they feel that recycled boxes would not really change anything. If you are thinking this right now, go and take a look at all of the things that you have to pack. Then, take a look at the size of the recycled boxes. Doing some mental math, come up with the number of recycled boxes you would need in order to support the move. Then, imagine everyone else that moves doing the same thing. You'll realize right away that actions like these would add up to something immense if everyone did them. Therefore, you should use recycled boxes when you are moving.

No Downside

Truth be told, it is hard to understand why someone would not want to use recycled boxes in their move. The fact of the matter is that there is no actual downside to moving with recycled boxes at the current moment in time. In fact, if you don't have any boxes to use (which most people do not when they initially think about moving), you are actually not doing anything out of the ordinary by moving with recycled boxes. Instead of going to get normal boxes, you go to a different place and get recycled ones. Aside from that, everything else is exactly the same. There is no downside in exchange for the amazing upside of helping the environment out in a significant way.


The fact of the matter is that sometimes doing things to help the environment can be so ridiculously easy. This is one of those cases. If you have children, you certainly care about the state the world will be in when they are adults. Help take baby steps in the right direction today by using recycled boxes when you move. - 30331

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